Triumph and Defeat On Line at the DMV

My first published work (simultaneously with Rain on a Wednesday), this was the piece that got me off on a track of playwriting.  After this, there was no turning back.  It's remarkably short.  It was written my sophomore or junior year.  Several years later, I would star in a play about people waiting in a line.  It was completely different.

   Triumph and Defeat On Line at the DMV was originally presented at the First Annual Mindscapes Coffee House, 1997 with the following cast:

Man 1: Kevin Larkin

Man 2: Tom Northrup

Woman 1: Ann Marie Mattila

Woman 2: Cindy Trimboli

Woman 3: Elaine Boland

Clerk: Kimb Giunta

The play was directed by me, Justin Aclin


This piece was the second play I wrote and, out of the plays I wrote in high school, the only one that was not produced.  My mother has never finished reading this because she finds it too upsetting.  Mom, it's not about you!

The Founding Father

The roots of this one took place my senior year at a literary conference at Columbia University where I decided to imitate what I interpreted Waiting for Godot to be without ever having read it.  I finished it on the busride home from NYC.

   The Founding Father was originally presented at the Third SemiAnnual Mindscapes Coffee House, 1998, with the following cast:

Moe: Bill Greene

Larry: Frank Deserto

Curly: Joel Edelstein (I think.  God help me if I'm wrong)

Shemp: Kevin Larkin

It was also directed by me, Justin Aclin.

The Covenant

This is a college-era play, from last semester.  The assignment (the same one as the exercise that inspired that Founding Father, actually) was to write a historical play.  This was perhaps the first of my works to go through multiple drafts.  What you're reading is the fifth, and latest draft.  I think my professor liked this version best.

Special Presentation: Sportive Tricks

This is a special treat, because I love you all so much.  A couple of sample scenes from the play I am currently working on, Sportive Tricks.  It's a screwball Victorian comedy, an old fashioned tale of love, sex, time travel and gardening.  With any luck, this will be complete soon, and it will join the list of plays I have seen produced.