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I'm not really goth. It's just the picture that makes me look that way.
Welcome. If this is your first time here, look around the site and enjoy. If you've been here before, you'll notice some significant changes to the look of the page. Look around and enjoy. If this is your second time to the new site and you're reading this again, you will not notice any significant changes. Such is life. Regardless, look around. Enjoy. Use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to navigate.
*EXTRA* Now get near-daily updates at aclin.bigwhoop.org. Now, back to your regularly scheduled update. I got a haircut! It's not short, but it's the shortest it's been in 8 years or so, and if I don't like it I may get it shorter. You can see a picture here. I know, I know! Get off my damn back!
Sorry, I'm just feeling a little guilty since I haven't updated the site in over
a year. But I'm busy, OK? Jeez! I'm in the process of making a super deluxe
compendium page for Hijinx Ensue that will feature every column ever published
and even some that weren't. Anywho, if you don't know, I've graduated from
college, got a job as an editor for the coolest action figure magazine ever, and
I'm engaged. A lot can happen in a year. Hopefully I'll be updating more often.
If you'd like to be notified of when updates happen, or when the Hijinx Ensue
page goes online, email me at my new address, jfaclin@hotmail.com. All material on this page
is copywrite me, Justin Aclin, 2000, all rights reserved and all that
hogwash. If you steal it, may maggots gnaw on your flesh for all of
eternity. My &*$%ing legions will destroy you. That said, look
around. Enjoy.Update!8/25/02